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Distinct Subsequences Problem Explained :sparkles:

Problem Statement :page_with_curl:

Given two strings, s and t, find the number of distinct subsequences of s that are equal to t.

Approach :bulb:

We’ll use dynamic programming to solve this problem. Our goal is to build a 2D table to keep track of the number of distinct subsequences. We’ll use modulo arithmetic to avoid overflow.

  1. Initialization :seedling:
    • We calculate the lengths of strings s and t and store them as m and n, respectively.
    • If m is less than n, there can be no distinct subsequences, so we return 0.
  2. Dynamic Programming Matrix :chart_with_upwards_trend:
    • We create a 2D matrix dp with dimensions m x n to store the intermediate results.
    • We initialize dp[0][0] based on whether the first characters of s and t match.
  3. Initialize First Column :arrow_down:
    • We iterate over the first column of dp (i.e., for j = 0) and calculate values based on whether s[i] and t[0] match:
      • If they match, we add 1 to the value from the previous row and take the result modulo 1e9 + 7.
      • If they don’t match, we simply copy the value from the previous row.
  4. Fill the Rest of the Matrix :arrow_right:
    • We iterate over the rest of the matrix using nested loops for i and j.
    • For each cell, we check if s[i] and t[j] match:
      • If they match, we add the values from the previous row and the diagonal and take the result modulo 1e9 + 7.
      • If they don’t match, we copy the value from the previous row.
  5. Final Result :tada:
    • The final result is stored in dp[m-1][n-1], which represents the number of distinct subsequences.
  6. Return Result :rocket:
    • We return dp[m-1][n-1], which is the answer to the problem.

Time Complexity :hourglass:

The time complexity of this solution is O(m * n), where m and n are the lengths of strings s and t, respectively.

Space Complexity :file_folder:

The space complexity is O(m * n) because we use a 2D matrix of the same dimensions to store intermediate results.

Happy Coding! :computer: :sparkles: